Feds say he masterminded an epic California water heist. Some farmers say he’s their Robin Hood

Panoche official accused of epic California water heist – Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) “They told me they were investigating my boss for water theft, and they wanted to know if I wanted to go to federal prison with him,” Zavala said in his testimony. Panoche official accused of epic California water heist – Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) Continue reading Feds say he masterminded an epic California water heist. Some farmers say he’s their Robin Hood

California farming area placed on probation over declining groundwater and sinking land

https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2024-04-16/california-tulare-lake-groundwater-probation SACRAMENTO — California water regulators took the unprecedented step of cracking down on one of the state’s major farming regions for failing to take steps to curb growers’ excessive pumping of groundwater, which has sent water levels into rapid decline and is causing the land to sink.The State Water Resources Control Board voted unanimously Tuesday to place the Tulare Lake basin on “probationary” status for failing to adopt sufficient measures to address chronic overpumping. Continue reading California farming area placed on probation over declining groundwater and sinking land

New Bay Area maps show hidden flood risk from sea level rise and groundwater

Amid dramatic ocean swells and drenching atmospheric rivers, a new report lays bare a hidden aspect of sea level rise that has been exacerbating flooding in the Bay Area.

The report, which was released Tuesday, maps areas that could flood from groundwater hovering just a few feet, or even inches below ground. This layer of water gets pushed upward as denser water from the ocean moves inland from rising tides. On its way up, even before the water breaks the surface, it can seep into the cracks of basements, infiltrate plumbing, or, even more insidiously, re-mobilize toxic chemicals buried underground. Continue reading New Bay Area maps show hidden flood risk from sea level rise and groundwater