June 13, 2019 — 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM
SNO-ISLE Coupeville Library
788 NW Alexander Street, COUPEVILLE, WA
Call to order & Quorum call Member and guest introductions
Approve Agenda Members vote to approve the Agenda
Secretary’s Report: Randi Perry will present the Minutes for the March 14, 2019 General Membership Meeting. Members vote to approve the Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: Bethel Hart will present the Treasurer’s Report. Members vote to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
“Pass the word!”:
- Plan for bringing AWWA one-day workshops to Whidbey Island; members’ comments on first workshop; subject matter, date, location and fees for the second workshop
- Dates and themes for remaining Quarterly Membership Meetings in 2019 at Coupeville Library
- Whidbey Island Water Resources Committee – Charter and Mission of the WRAC and issues under consideration.
Theme of this meeting:
Drafting your Small Water System Management Program (required by WAC 246-290-105).
Binders and copies of the official Guide (DOH Document #331-134) will be provided.
Presentations by our Board of Directors and guests on composing the first chapter: MANAGERIAL CAPACITY
Floor open for questions & answers and general discussion