GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING December 19, 2018 — 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM


788 NW Alexander Street, COUPEVILLE, WA


Call to order & Quorum call

Member and guest introductions

Approve Agenda   Members vote to approve the Agenda (leaving routine “housekeeping” items until after the main presentation).

Theme of this meeting:  Availability and content of Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training – Presented by Chief H. L. “Rusty” Palmer, South Whidbey Fire and EMS.

“Pass the word!”: 

1. Dates for Quarterly Membership Meetings in 2019 at Coupeville Library;

2. Plan for bringing AWWA one-day workshops to Whidbey Island;

3. Availability of USDA Loan & Grant Program;

4. Reintroduction of Jennifer Kropack, NW Regional Planner for DOH -ODW, and her remarks about Planning and Governance in the interest of providing clean drinking water.

Secretary’s Report:  Randi Perry will present the Minutes for the September 18, 2018 General Membership Meeting.  Members vote to approve the Minutes.

Treasurer’s Report:    Bethel Hart will present the Treasurer’s Report and Budget for 2019.  Members vote to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Budget.

Election of Directors: 

Bylaws, Article V, Section 1., & Article VII, Section 1. call for electing Directors at the Annual meeting for three-year terms to maintain a total of five Directors.

Directors completing terms are: Randi Perry, Joe Grogan and Bethel Hart.  All have agreed to continue to serve for another term.

[Note: Article VIII, Section 2. calls for Directors to elect the Officers from within the Board of Directors for one-year terms at the first Board meeting after the Annual meeting (January 3, 2019).]

Floor open for general discussion — questions about water system problems and suggestions about meeting topics are welcome.
