Revised Bylaws

Our association’s Bylaws have not been refreshed since the WIWSA was established in 2004 and some articles need to be updated. A comparison of the version linked under, which will be presented to our membership for approval on March 21, 2018 with the recommendation of our Board of Directors, with the original Bylaws (below) will show that no changes have been recommended for:

  • Our business purposes or Rules of Order
  • Our classes of membership or Annual Dues or Assessments
  • Our scheduled meetings or voting privileges
  • The number and titles of our Officers and Directors or their responsibilities, powers or manner of election
  • Our financial rules re: contracts, loans, checks or deposits

References to “start-up” rules in 2005 have been deleted and a three year term of office for each Director has been inserted. The opportunities for the members to approve recommendations by the Board of Directors has been clarified (e.g., changes to annual dues or assessments must be approved at the annual meeting in December).

Proposed bylaws for approval by membership: Revised Bylaws

Current Bylaws: Current Bylaws